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Investing in Equities

Financial success all starts with a plan. But once put in place, investors need to determine how best to allocate their investments to be able to reach their goals and stay there.

Over the long term, the best way to do this is by owning the great companies of the world through investing in equities (stocks). Bonds are not going to do it for you.

Most of you are thinking. Stocks are too risky!

The average investor has a misperception of risk. Financial author, Nick Murray describes this misperception as taking on two different forms; with most investors falling victim to both of them.

“First, people greatly overestimate the long-term risk of owning stocks. Second, and much more insidious, people seriously underestimate the long-term risk of not owning stocks… The great long-term risk isn’t losing your money. It’s outliving your money…. It isn’t the loss of principal but erosion of purchasing power.”

We are big believers in investing in the equity markets because we have seen that over time the growth in value and the increase in dividends has far outpaced inflation.


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